Have a web site with your own address of yourdomain.com, (.net), (.info) or (.org). Establish your identity on the internet with
your own domain name. This gives you the capability to better promote your web site in printed media, billboards and elsewhere online with a recognizable name
that matches your business.
Per Month

Plus $20 / Annual Domain Registration
- Your site address of www.YourDomain.com
- Hosting on Windows Server (ASP or ASP.net capable)
- File Transfer (FTP) access to your site 24/7
- Flexible payments (monthly, quarterly or annually) - Your choice!
- Up to 50 e-mail mailboxes similar to name@yourdommain.com or unlimited forwarding addresses to an existing e-mail mailbox
- Includes two hours of maintenance updates or Internet consultation annually
- No setup fee!
- Immediate registration on available domains
- Event Calendar Widget (display events on your site)
- News/Blog Article Publishing (display news articles on your site)
- Non-Profit organizations receive a free Business Listing on the Canterbury Lake Web Site